Managing Diabetes During Pregnancy

Submitted by Nic on January 17, 2012

The goal of managing diabetes during pregnancy is to ensure that your sugar levels are maintained at as normal levels as possible. Managing diabetes during pregnancy involves monitoring the blood glucose levels on a daily basis, taking insulin if required, following an appropriate diet and exercising regularly. Doing all this can be quite a difficult task, but managing your diabetes during pregnancy is important for the wellbeing and safety of you and your child. To help you with the task you could take the help of various professionals such as a diabetes specialist, a neonatology expert, a diabetes educator, an obstetrician, and your GP.


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The glucose that is produced by the body during the digestion process nourishes the body. This glucose is also delivered to the baby via the placenta and is the only nourishment source for the baby. The placenta ensures that hormones that help the baby’s growth are manufactured by the body.

These hormones, however, block the management of insulin. The manufacture of anti-insulin hormones by the placenta increases halfway during the pregnancy of the mother. As mentioned earlier, for managing diabetes during pregnancy, your blood sugar levels have to be kept as stabilized at acceptable levels as possible. This can be done by following a few easy steps.

  • You need to understand what your blood levels are and how the need to be controlled.
  • Make sure you follow a regular exercise and diet routine.
  • Don’t panic on hearing stories about the side effects of diabetes. Instead check with your doctor about the baby’s development in your womb.

Also remember that it quite easy to get stressed while pregnant. Diabetes adds to this stress, and for managing diabetes during pregnancy blood sugar levels and stress should be controlled. A pregnant woman with diabetes generally has to see her doctor more often as compared to women who don’t have diabetes. Here are some additional tips for managing diabetes during pregnancy when insulin requirements go up.

  • Don’t hesitate to ask for help.
  • Listen to what your body is trying to tell you.
  • Seek support from friends, family and other women who are going through the same problem.
  • Keep time aside for regular workouts.
  • Learn a meditation or relaxation technique.
  • Have a positive attitude.

It is important that you contact your health care provider if you have an infection, painful or burning urination, vaginal bleeding, swelling in your feet, face or hands, shooting pain in your back, dizzy spells or fainting, severe nausea as well as increased sugar levels, and if your baby’s movements are decreased.

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