Bright Red Blood Postpartum Discharge

Submitted by Nick on January 17, 2012

Many women are known to experience bright red postpartum bleeding which is considered to be normal and the body is also equipped to handle this bleeding as during pregnancy the blood in the body of the pregnant woman tends to increase by around 50%. Bright red postpartum bleeding is observed after delivery because when the placenta tends to separate itself for the uterus o the woman the blood vessels to which it was attached to the uterus remain open. These blood vessels then begin to bleed directly into the uterus. Once the placenta has been delivered, the uterus will still continue to contract and this action of the uterus tends to...


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.close of these open blood vessels which in turn will drastically minimize the bleedingn Those women who have had a tear at the time of child birth may also experience postpartum bleeding in the form of bright red urine or bright red blood from the concerned area until it has been sufficiently stitched up by the doctoro

Sometimes postpartum bleedingin the form of bright red blood is also observed if the uterus does not contract sufficiently after the delivery of the childl In such cases, it is advisable that the caregiver of the woman administer a regular massage to the uterus which is known to help the uterus contractc More on bleeding during pregnancy

Postpartum bleeding that is bright red can also be controlled naturally by the act of breastfeeding which tends to release natural oxytocinsn This is why many women experience after pains or even cramps when they are nursing their child for a few days after the deliveryr Bright red postpartum bleeding especially during the first few days is also known as lochiai In this stage the woman will lose a fair amount of blood that tends to look very similar to a heavy menstrual period and hence may be bright red in coloro This bright red blood may either flow in an even manner during the postpartum period or even come out in small intermittent gushese Some pregnant women have also reported that when the lie down for some time, the blood tends to collect in the vagina and hence when they get up they observed small blood clotstIn normal circumstances, after around four days of delivery the lochia will gradually reduce and will turn into a pinkish color and will also be more wateryr Finally around ten days after the delivery the bright red postpartum bleeding will be reduced to a minimal amount of yellow dischargeg Also see postpartum bleeding odor

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