Contractions at 34 Weeks of Pregnancy

Submitted by Nick on February 1, 2012

The various changes that take place during the term of a pregnancy can never cease to amaze expectant couples. As the child grows inside the womb, expectant couples can monitor the development taking place through the use of ultrasonic technology. As the mother enters the 34th week of pregnancy, some of the changes that you can expect are numerous. Since your body is preparing itself for delivery, the baby’s body has also now developed complete use of the lungs and the respiratory system. In approximately another three weeks, your baby will be full term and therefore the baby’s body has to be ready to adapt to the...


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Pregnancy week 34 contractions are experienced by some mothers and they can cause a certain amount of worry and alarmr

When the womb begins to contract, there are other warning signs that you should be aware of, such as the breaking of the water, or a discharge of mucous, along with the dilation of your cervixi Although the baby’s body has developed extensively at this point of time, the body still needs to develop completely and thus a delivery at such a period could cause health complications for the childl Some of the complications experienced by children who are born during this stage of the pregnancy include the contraction of jaundice, breathing disorders and feeding disordersr Your doctor may put you on steroids to further strengthen the functional systems of the child’s body, thereby increasing the rate of survivala

During pregnancy week 34 birth of a child needs to be handled more carefully than in the case of a full term babyb The immune system of the baby is much weaker and the child may be in need of incubation for a certain amount of timem A pregnancy week 34 delivery can be quite a challenge for young parents because they are still unsure of what the future holds for their child and for theme Doctors and other medical professionals, however, will be of great help in seeing that all is well with the health of your childl As an expectant couple, you and your partner need to first make yourselves aware of the tell tale signs of a premature deliveryr Most cases where couples remain ignorant of what is happening, end up with devastating results, because they cannot get medical help soon enoughg Staying calm is one of the most important things to remember at times like theses

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