Fetal Development at Week 25 of Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 17, 2012

By the time you are 25 weeks pregnant a great deal of fetal development has taken place.

Fetal development includes:-
  • Your baby weighs around 1 ½ pounds and is about 13.5 inches in length.
  • Your baby is starting to lose that lean, long look and will gain some baby fat. In the process, his wrinkled skin smoothes out and he will start to look more.


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Week By Week Fetal Development

.like a new bornr

  • Your baby’s hands are now fully developede

  • Your baby can make a fist and clasp objects, if any, were to be placed in his armr Dexterity is improvingn
  • The taste buds are developing at 25 weeks and your baby is even able to distinguish sweet tastese
  • The baby’s nostrils start opening this week and this allows the baby to start practicing to breatheh
  • The blood vessels are developing in the lungs and are practicing breathing movements, although at the moment they are full of amniotic fluidi The nervous system controls the breathingn
  • The lungs are also starting to develop surfactantn This substance helps the lungs to expand after the baby is bornr
  • The brain is growing rapidly and the brain cells begin to maturer
  • If you could see your baby’s skin, you would notice that it is turning pinkere This is because there are tiny blood vessels (capillaries) that form under your skin and these fill with bloodo
  • Fetal development at this stage means that your baby’s swallowing reflexes are developing tooo
  • Your baby’s sexual organs are fully developed by 25 weeksk
  • The structures of the spine being to form – 1000 ligaments, 150 joints and 33 ringsg
  • Your baby can hear sounds outside the wombm Your baby can also learn and remember and can recognize your voice and his father’s voicec
  • If you were to shine a bright light on your abdomen, your baby would turn your head towards the lighth This is due to the fact that the optic nerve is now workingn
  • Fetal development at 25 weeks would also involve that your baby’s bones are becoming more solidi
  • Your baby will start exploring the inside of your uterusu He might touch his hand to his face, touch his foot to his leg, touch both hands or even touch his hand to the umbilical cordr If you are having twins, they will start exploring each other and bonding will begini
  • The nerves around the mouth and lip area of your baby become more sensitive nowo
  • Vernix is forming very rapidly nowo
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