Pregnancy Diet and Exercise

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 24, 2012

A healthy pregnancy requires a healthy pregnancy diet and the right kind of exercise. By following a healthy and well-balanced pregnancy diet and by engaging in exercises suited for pregnancy, you can expect the baby to gain weight properly and you can hope for a smooth, trouble-free delivery process happening.

A well-planned pregnancy diet can help you obtain all the required nutrients for both you and your baby. Pregnancy is a time when almost everyone whom you know will come up with advice as to what you need and do not need to eat.


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Regardless, you must always choose the right food for yourself. You need to act smart and eat only those foods that will prove beneficial for you and your baby.

Healthy Pregnancy Diet

Following a healthy pregnancy diet ensures that your body is strong enough to support the pregnancy and is also in a position to build up essential fats and nutrients that are required for breastfeeding after delivery.

Here are some of the important nutrients that you should include in your pregnancy diet. However, it is best to consult your doctor so as to draw up a well-balanced pregnancy diet.

Vitamins are essential for a healthy pregnancy. Hence, choose a pregnancy diet that is full of fortified vitamins and also do not forget those essential vitamin supplements that your doctor will prescribe.

Fortified cereals and brown rice can provide you with the much-needed carbohydrates, and leafy green and yellow vegetables will provide you with the iron that you need to prevent anemia and morning sickness, nausea and fatigue.

Calcium from dairy products like milk, cheese, butter and yoghurt is another important nutrient that is needed to support a healthy pregnancy. Diet that is high in saturated fat needs to be avoided as it can lead to excessive weight gain and other related problems like diabetes and preeclampsia during pregnancy. Cut down the intake of salt and make sure that your pregnancy diet is rich with minerals and folic acid.

Pregnancy Exercise

Apart from following a good pregnancy diet, it is important that you follow a light exercise regime. Being active while you are pregnant makes sure that you are strong and your muscles are in good condition. Mild exercise regimes like walking and jogging can help alleviate fatigue and also strengthen the heart. Swimming during pregnancy is also a good idea for the overall fitness of the body. Practicing yoga and meditation will make sure that your stress levels are low and your mind remains calm and. Nevertheless, always consult your doctor before beginning any form of exercise, particularly during pregnancy.

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