Pregnancy Complications With Twins

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 18, 2012

Pregnancy is that stage of womanhood when a mother feels most fulfilled but it is not as easy as it may seem for others. As a matter of fact most pregnancies with twins are not easy as the chances for complication is more than doubled. It is of the utmost importance for any woman to be aware of complications that might arise during the nine months of pregnancy while having twins. One of the problems that occur during the first trimester is miscarriage. When a woman loses her pregnancy in or before the 20th week then this condition is medically termed as a ‘miscarriage’.


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It worries almost all the women expecting a baby, especially those who are expecting for the first time. Out of every 100, at least 20 cases are found to be miscarriages and generally in mothers carrying twins, chances of a miscarriage are higher. Symptoms that lead to miscarriage include abdominal cramping and bleeding.

One of the most common found problems is the pre-term labor that occurs when the cervix contracts or dilates before the 38th week of pregnancy. This happens due to overcrowding of fetuses in the uterus, which is a fact that a mother’s uterus cannot suffice two babies growing together. Almost 70% to 100% of the twins are born prematurely. Read about twin pregnancy week by week

Another complication is the intrauterine growth retardation. This condition occurs if the baby is found to be at least 10% less in weight than its expected weight for its fetal age. This can happen due to a number of reasons including overcrowding of the uterus, placenta infection, or poor blood circulation in the placenta. If this is diagnosed, one needs to consult a doctor immediately as this can lead to a preterm labor. One of the rare and very interesting complications of twin pregnancy is having conjoined twins. These type of twins are formed when the fertilized eggs inside the uterus do not completely separate into two separate egg cells. These two parts remain intact at some point, hence, resulting in twins being formed as two separate babies but joined at one point of the body. When conjoined twins are delivered, very rarely do they live the same way they are formed and sometimes unfortunately perish within 24 hours of delivery as they tend to share organs that can be used by one body only.

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