28 weeks pregnant with twins

Submitted by Nick on July 30, 2013

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for most women, whether they are first time mothers or women who are adding a new member to their families. Women come to know that they are carrying more than one child when they go through a routine ultrasound in the first trimester. One of the reasons that prompt a doctor to recommend an ultrasound is a large-sized belly. Within six to eight weeks after the fertilization of the eggs, an ultrasound can indicate the presence of twins.


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The last couple of miles of the pregnancy marathon called the third trimester starts with the twenty-eighth week .Most women get very little sleep in this period and are often very tired. This period can be physically and emotionally challenging for many women, and certainly stressful for women with multiple fetuses.

Backache, heart burn, and fluid retention are common problems faced along with the 28 weeks pregnant with twins belly size. In this phase of the pregnancy, weight gain, stretch marks on the skin, and varicose veins impact the way women feel about their bodies. For a woman who is 28 weeks pregnant with twins, weight gain is more often related to an increase in the size of the babies, and therefore, their chances of being born closer to normal weight.

Several women are fraught with worries about the development of the babies and their chances of survival in case the babies are born prematurely. For these women, the growing 28 weeks pregnant with twins belly is reassuring, no matter how uncomfortable it makes them feel.

Being 28 weeks pregnant with twins intensifies normal pregnancy symptoms and so it is normal to experience swelling in the feet, especially the ankles. You may spend sleepless nights as you have to get up to urinate frequently and you may even experience problems while breathing. However, when you are 28 weeks pregnant with twins, contractions can be alarming, even if they are just Braxton Hicks contractions or false labor pains. Women should remember that these contractions normally ease with a little walking and mild relaxation exercises.

A comfortable resting position and deep breathing may be all that is needed if these are false labor contractions. When a woman is just 28 weeks pregnant and is able to get relief from these measures, it is a clear indication that these are not true labor contractions. However, if there is abdominal pain or pressure accompanied by bleeding and lower back pain along with contractions, it is better to call for medical help.

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