How big is my baby at 9 weeks pregnant?

(August 2, 2011)

For those who are curious to know how big is the baby at 9 weeks pregnant should bear in mind that the baby at 9 weeks pregnant will be approximately around 25 mm in length and will weigh just a little less than an ounce. The length of the baby will be typically measured from crown to rump. Basically the size of the baby at 9 weeks pregnant is almost equivalent to the size of a cherry tomato or a large grape or olive. The baby at 9 weeks pregnant will also start resembling a human more as compared to its earlier tadpole like structure. The limbs and the organs of the baby will also start growing in length and will start developing rapidly from this trimester. The baby at 9 weeks pregnant will also have more distinct facial features and one will be able to clearly observe the nose, mouth, and eye soft eh baby through an ultrasound.  

The baby at 9 weeks pregnant will also have eyelids that cover its eyes completely but these eyelids will not open till the mother is almost 27 weeks into the pregnancy.  The sex of the baby at 9 weeks pregnant will also not be discernable and the genital organs of the baby will be fully developed between 18 to 20 weeks into the pregnancy. The baby at 9 weeks pregnant will also have a heart that is developing rapidly at 9 weeks the heart will have four distinct and separate chambers.  The size of baby at 9 weeks pregnant will also increase because the hands and legs of the baby will be growing in length and the ankles as well as the wrists will be formed as well. The baby at 9 weeks pregnant will also have webbed toes and fingers and the arms will have elbows that have begun to form. The baby at 9 weeks pregnant will have also developed ears whose inner workings are complete.  The placenta at 9 weeks into the pregnancy will also be developed sufficiently to support a very important job of producing the required amount of hormones to regulate the growth and development of the baby. Along with the baby at 9 weeks pregnant the woman will also experience the typical symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, feeling bloated most of the time, swollen feet especially the area around the ankles and so on. Some women may also gain weight during the first trimester itself which is because of fluid retention.

Submitted by N on August 2, 2011 at 03:40

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