Can I take Tylenol while breastfeeding?

(July 22, 2010)

Tylenol While Breastfeeding

New mothers have a number of queries with regard to things they should and should not consume while their babies are still breast feeding. It is important that every mother knows that the food she consumes becomes the source for the production of milk in her body. In the few months after a pregnancy, with all the hormonal changes that are taking place within the body and the fatigue that is associated with recovering from a delivery, there are moments of depression that any woman will normally experience. There may also be the occasional headache and body ache, further worsening your worries. At times like this, most people wonder whether it is safe to take Tylenol while they are breastfeeding their children.

Tylenol is a medication that has been commonly recommended for the relief of pain in the body. Because of the fact that it is excreted into the milk ducts, people worry about the consumption of the medication while breast feeding their children. However, as the amounts that are excreted into the ducts are negligible, it has been recommended as a safe drug to be used while breastfeeding a child. As the saying goes, too much of anything is bad for you, and the same applies to medication. It is always advisable to begin the use of such medication only after having consulted your doctor, and confirming the amount of Tylenol that can be consumed during a specific time period. There are certain times when you may feel that you are over using the drug for your relief and it is advisable that you consult your medical practitioner once again regarding the same.

Most often, headaches are caused by unwanted stress or hunger. Nursing mothers need to eat wholesome foods so that they are not deprived of any nourishment after having nursed their child. Recovering from the process of childbirth can take a lot of strength out of the body and the muscular spasms that come with the body taking its original shape and size, can be rather agonizing. Ensuring that you drink enough of fluids throughout the day will help to replenish the body and keep the system clear of any toxins that may be causing the headaches. A little relaxation should help when you feel stressed. Light music or movies can help relieve stress and will eliminate the need for the use of medication while you are breast feeding your child.

Submitted by P T on July 22, 2010 at 06:29

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