Toddler behavior vs teenage behavior?

(March 24, 2010)

The term toddler refers to a child covering the ages of 12 to 36 months. Prior to this is the infancy stage and this is followed by the stage of childhood. The toddler stage is called toddler because it is when the child begins to try and walk, or toddle. The toddler stage is when the child’s personality begins to develop. Children are taught basic social skills during this period and also develop their movement skills. There are also many physical changes to the toddler including an increase in height and weight, development of the heart and lungs resulting in normal breathing and blood pressure, and the growth of plenty of teeth.

A toddler undergoes many behavioral changes during this phase of life. Toddlers begin to develop a vocabulary and start using basic words like yes and no. They may also begin to realize their ability to communicate and will use this to ask for things that they like by remembering their names.

Toddlers also become possessive at this age of things that they associate as their own. This can include items like toys, a particular favorite blanket, and other objects that are a regular part of its life. Your toddler will also begin to throw tantrums when he/she wants something and will begin to develop a full vocabulary.

The teenage phase in life is completely different from the toddler phase. This happens between the ages of 12 to 18 and is characterized by the sexual development of the individual. It is also known as the period of adolescence. Adolescence is a particularly interesting phase in a person’s life. Teenage years indicate the sexual development of the individual. Several behavioral changes take place in this period as the individual. Psychologists note that during this stage, anger and rage begins to develop as a side effect of the new hormones entering the system. Adolescents may be temperamental, frustrated, impatient and extremely aggressive as compared to their behavior prior to this stage. Adolescents begin to be attracted to the opposite sex and this often forms a basis of their behavior or social situation. Teenagers like to behave like adults, or the way they perceive adults and will begin to take extreme care of the way they dress, and be obsessed with their behavior in social situations. The desire to be accepted by their peers will often drive them to behave in an abnormal way which they perceive as acceptable to those around them.

Submitted by P T on March 24, 2010 at 01:23

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