Does anyone have any advice for me with my toddler's new onset type 1 diabetes?

(March 24, 2010)

Diabetes is a condition where the body does not manage the level of sugar in the bloodstream. There are broadly two types of diabetes, one where the blood sugar is low, diabetes insipidus or where the blood sugar is high, diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is known as type 1 diabetes.  In this situation, the pancreas, which produces insulin, stops doing so or does so in a very restricted manner. Insulin helps the body absorb sugar in the blood for energy. Lack of insulin in the system will cause the failure of the body to absorb the sugar. This in turn will have some detrimental effects. Because of a high concentration of sugar, the blood will drain out water from the body as, due to osmosis, water molecules are passed from the body to the blood in order to dilute it. The kidneys will be overstressed as they attempt to remove sugar through urine. This will also result in excessive urination. A patient suffering from type 1 diabetes will consume extra water to offset the effects of dehydration.

Type 1 diabetes can be treated by careful monitoring and by using insulin. Insulin can be injected into the body so that it replaces the insulin that your body is failing to produce. A balance of insulin in the body will ensure that the blood sugar levels are maintained properly. There are also dietary changes that need to occur when suffering from diabetes mellitus. Your doctor may recommend that you regulate the intake of sweets and sweet drinks. It is a tricky situation to deal with your toddler suffering from diabetes type 1 at the diagnosis stage. Since toddlers cannot vocalize how they are feeling, you may not be able to notice the effects of diabetes. Broadly, type 1 diabetes leads to weight loss, urination, possibly vomiting and excessive thirst.

When your doctor has diagnosed type 1 diabetes in your child you can take some steps to manage the condition. Your toddler will require insulin regularly and this may be administered by injection or orally. You will have to change the diet to suit the doctor’s recommendations. If your toddler craves sweets you should avoid these and try to explain the situation to your toddler. Do not consume sweets around your toddler. In all situations, try and behave normally with your toddler and just occasionally take a test of the blood sugar levels to monitor them and make sure that it is within the required level.

Submitted by P T on March 24, 2010 at 01:09

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