Spotting at 9th Week of Pregnancy

Submitted by Nic on April 26, 2012

Spotting during a pregnancy is an indicator that the pregnancy has been threatened in some way or the other. The first trimester of the pregnancy is very important because it is during this period of the pregnancy when most miscarriages are experienced. Any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy will naturally cause panic. However, it is important that expectant mothers not get hysterical because this will only worsen an already difficult situation. Spotting at 9 weeks pregnant indicates that a certain amount of trauma has been experienced by the pregnancy, thereby threatening it...


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.Spotting is a sign of a miscarriage and it is extremely important that expectant mothers who have spotting during the pregnancy get enough bed rest, as advised by the doctoro

Brown spotting at 9 weeks pregnant shows that the trauma experienced by the developing fetus is of a large magnitude and development of the fetus needs to be checked immediately through the help of an ultra soundn

Depending upon the shade of the spotting, a doctor will be able to assess the amount of damage that has been sustained and whether the pregnancy is healthy enough to continueu Light spotting at 9 weeks pregnant shows that the pregnancy has not been threatened to an extent where it cannot progress, but the utmost care needs to be taken to ensure that it does not get more complicatede There are occasions when spotting have been experienced, but there has been no trauma to the pregnancyc This is because the blood vessels that are in the vaginal region tend to carry excess blood to the pubic area, leading to the phenomenon of spottingn This, however, is a very rare occurrence, and any experience of spotting must be reported to a doctor without any delaya

Pink spotting at 9 weeks pregnant could be caused by even the slightest amount of strain on the abdominal area, which in turn places a strain on the pregnancyc Remember that during the first trimester, the pregnancy is extremely fragile and therefore expectant mothers are advised to avoid any strenuous physical activity, including excessive movementn Expectant mothers should also be careful about the foods that they consumem Foods that are contaminated could cause vomiting or an upset stomach causing the body to react violentlyl With the muscular exertion of vomiting, the amniotic sac will be pressurized into tearing, leading to a miscarriageg Staying healthy and eating healthy foods are vital aspects of a healthy pregnancyc

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