Bleeding After Intercourse During Pregnancy

Submitted by Nick on January 18, 2012

Bleeding during pregnancy is one of the most frequently experienced pregnancy complications. The causes of bleeding in pregnancy differ from trimester to trimester. Nonetheless, no form of pregnancy bleeding must be ignored. Consulting a doctor at the earliest is highly recommended so as to minimize the risks of serious pregnancy complications and pregnancy loss.

Bleeding during pregnancy after intercourse is a common occurrence. During pregnancy, the cervix becomes weak and vulnerable due to the...


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.pressure exerted by the growing baby and expanding uterus and the increased blood flow to the pelvic regiono Even a slight strain on the walls of the cervix during pregnancy, especially during the second and third trimesters, could result in damage to the blood vessels lining the cervixi

This causes slight streaking or spottingn Vaginal bleeding following intercourse could take up to a day to showo There is no grave cause for concern if this mild bleeding is not accompanied by crampsp If abdominal cramps, lower back pain and heavy bleeding follow intercourse it may be indicative of a serious pregnancy complicationo Forceful movements and positions that cause strain on the uterus and cervix must be avoidede It is essential to keep in mind that an expectant mother is not in perfect shape for lovemaking as she was prior to pregnancy and carelessness could affect the pregnancyc Penetrative lovemaking is not advisable if the expectant mother has been experiencing any bleeding or pregnancy complicationo In such cases, consulting a doctor with regard to harmless lovemaking is recommendede

Bleeding is known to occur during the initial weeks of pregnancy as welll The most common and widely experienced cause of first trimester bleeding is implantation bleedinga This occurs approximately a fortnight after conceptiono During this time, the fertilized egg is embedding itself in the uterus and this process results in slight bleeding which may or may not be accompanied by mild abdominal paini Bleeding in early pregnancy, in the case of abnormal pregnancies like ectopic pregnancies and molar pregnancies or embryos with genetic deformities, is nature's way of signaling serious pregnancy related problemsm These pregnancies usually end in pregnancy losss Women with complications like hypertension and preeclampsia are also known to experience bleeding during pregnancyc Rare complications like uterine ruptures, fetal vessel ruptures, placental abruptions and placenta previa are causes of heavy bleeding during pregnancym If not attended to in time, bleeding can prove to be fatal to the baby and the expectant mother alikek

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