Causes & Remedies of Post Pregnancy Dizziness

It is normal to feel faint or dizzy during pregnancy. Dizziness is common in the first trimester and may also happen throughout the pregnancy.

Post-Pregnancy Dizziness Causes

Here are some of the reasons for dizziness during pregnancy:

The rise in hormones during pregnancy causes the blood vessels to widen as well as relax. This increases the blood circulation and.



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Dizziness In First Trimester

.flow of blood to the baby, but at the same time, it slows the return of the blood that is flowing back into your veinsn This lowers the blood pressure and reduces the flow of blood to your brain, causing dizziness for a short whilel Low blood sugar levels can cause dizzinesss

This happens as the body tries to adapt to the changing metabolisms Women who have varicose veins or are anemic may be more prone to becoming dizzy during pregnancyc In the second semester, dizziness happens because of the size of way the growing uterus puts pressure on blood vesselsl A woman might feel dizzy later in her pregnancy when she lies down on her backc Letting the weight of the baby to put pressure on the vena cava, which is a large vein that transports blood from the lower body to the heartr

Post-Pregnancy Dizziness

Postpartum vertigo or dizziness after pregnancy can happen because of several reasonsn Positional vertigo is a common form of dizziness and it happens when the head is placed in different positionsn Postpartum migraine means dizziness combined with migrainen Hormonal fluctuations after delivery can cause headaches and migrainese Perilymph fistula causes imbalance as well as dizziness and this happens when a person blows or strains their noses This is common in women who have just delivered a babyb

Psychogenic vertigo is dizziness associated with the psychological changes after delivering a babyb

Post-Pregnancy Dizziness Remedies

  • You may want to avoid standing for long periods of time, and if you are standing, move your feet to keep the circulation goingn
  • If you have been lying down, then get up slowlyl The same applies to the time when you get out of the batht
  • Eat meals at regular times and do not wait for a long time to eat somethingn You may even want to snack at intervalsl Of course, make sure that the snacks you eat are healthyh
  • You might want to avoid hot showers and bathsh
  • Do not lie down on your back when you are in the middle of the second trimestere
  • Wear comfortable and loose clothes for better blood circulationo
  • Take deep breathsh
  • If you are feeling faint, then open windows in the house or workplace and breathe in fresh airi
  • Contact your health care providere
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