What is a normal body temperature during first trimester pregnancy>

(March 13, 2012)

What is a normal body temperature during first trimester pregnancy?

Although 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is considered a normal body temperature, during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester pregnant women experience slightly higher body temperatures which is considered absolutely normal. This increase in body temperature during the first trimester is mainly because of the increased levels of progesterone in a woman’s body. Progesterone is also responsible for raising the basal body temperature during a woman’s ovulation cycle. Low body temperature during the first trimester of pregnancy could mean low levels of progesterone which could in turn indicate a risk of miscarriage. If the body temperature of a pregnant woman increases to 100 degrees or more it could be detrimental to the health of the growing baby. Raised body temperature during the first trimester can increase the chances of birth defects in the baby and even cause other complications. Any drastic changes in body temperature during the first trimester should always be reported to the doctor immediately.

Submitted by J on March 13, 2012 at 04:55

The average normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature varies throughout the day. In women, body temperature also fluctuates according to hormonal changes that take place during the month and as such provides indication regarding the fertility cycle. Basal body temperature refers to the temperature of the body when at rest. An accurate measure of basal body temperature can be obtained in the morning before getting out of bed. Once a person wakes up and starts moving about the basal temperature elevates. In women the basal body temperature remains at around 96 to 98 degrees before ovulation and at 97 to 99 degrees following ovulation. Basal body temperature may be measured using a special basal thermometer which provides extra accuracy in reading temperatures.

An elevated basal body temperature for a period of eighteen days following ovulation is likely to be indicative of pregnancy. Women who are trying to conceive usually chart their basal body temperatures in order to track their fertility periods. Those women that experience difficulty in conceiving are also encouraged to chart their basal body temperatures in order to understand their cycles better. In pregnant women, this temperature remains high during the first trimester of pregnancy. It comes back to normal after the first twelve weeks. If there happens to be drop in basal body temperature prior to the twelfth week, there may be a problem in the pregnancy and immediate medical attention is advised. A drop in temperature after staying elevated for a period of eighteen days may indicate the possibility of a miscarriage. If a normal or heavy period follows the drop in basal body temperature, it may imply that a miscarriage has already taken place.

Charting the basal body temperature throughout the first trimester of pregnancy is helpful. This is due to the fact that miscarriages most commonly occur during this period and a clear sign of a pregnancy problem is a lowered basal or waking body temperature. As soon as dropping temperatures are observed, it is important to contact the doctor who can then guide you on the seriousness of the problem and if there is a way to prevent a miscarriage. The right way to take your basal body temperature is when you just wake up while still in bed. Keep the thermometer close to the bed at night so you do not have to get up in the morning. Eating or drinking will cause a change in the body temperature

Submitted by P T on January 13, 2010 at 10:58

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