How big is my baby at 25 weeks pregnant?

(June 7, 2011)

Week 25 of your pregnancy indicates that you are slowly approaching the third and final trimester of your pregnancy. Your baby at 25 weeks pregnant is growing really fast and developing rapidly both physically and mentally. Even though most of the basic physical developments are almost complete by this stage of pregnancy, there are still many nervous system developments that are taking place. Most pregnant women ask their doctors, “How big is my baby at 25 weeks pregnant?” At this stage of the pregnancy, you baby would weigh roughly around 690 grams and measure about 34 centimeters in length from crown to rump. Your baby at 25 weeks pregnant has a much plumper look and will keep putting on weight till the very end of your pregnancy. An abdominal examination would be able to tell you more about the approximate baby size at 25 weeks pregnant. The facial features of the baby are becoming more distinct at this stage in the pregnancy and an ultrasound would help you to see what your baby might look like at birth.

The most important baby development at 25 weeks pregnant is the formation of the spinal chord. Blood vessels in the spine and the lungs are developing rapidly and are preparing to perform their vital functions after birth. Even though the lungs are still filled with amniotic fluid, breathing movements are developing quickly to prepare the baby for its first breath after birth. A common question in this regard would be, “Is there a chance of survival for my baby at 25 weeks pregnant?” If a baby is born in the 25th week of pregnancy, it has a 50-80% chance of survival with the help of advanced medical technology. Since the baby’s lungs cannot function properly at this stage, it would require medical assistance to breathe outside the womb. The sexual organs of your baby at 25 weeks pregnant are fully formed and in case of male babies, the testes start descending into the scrotum and for female babies the vagina hollows out. Another major baby development at 25 weeks pregnant is the formation of taste buds. The baby’s mouth and lips become more sensitive now and it may even be able to recognize tastes of certain foods the mother eats. The hands and feet, including the fingerprints are fully developed and your baby at 25 weeks pregnant is rapidly preparing for its birth.

Submitted by N on June 7, 2011 at 05:56

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