How big is baby 16 weeks pregnant?

(April 1, 2011)

In a woman who is 16 weeks pregnant, baby size will have increased significantly. At 16 weeks pregnant baby height is about 4 ½ inches. The umbilical cord is attached firmly to the baby’s belly by this time. The baby receives important nutrients through the umbilical cord. The head becomes more erect and the legs also develop further. The ears come much closer to their final position and the eyes move closer to frontal part of the head. The hair on the scalp starts to grow but will not be recognizable as yet. Growth of the toenails begins at this time. At 16 weeks pregnant, baby growth also consists of many internal developments. The heart starts pumping about 25 quarts of blood daily and this will continue to increase as growth and development progresses. At 16 weeks pregnant baby weight is about 3 ½ ounces.

The round ligaments of the mother’s uterus start becoming thick and soft during this time in order to accommodate the enlarging uterus. During this time, most women will have adjusted to the pregnancy changes. Morning sickness reduces at this stage and hence the discomforting symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and fatigue which were common during the early months will subside. At 16 weeks pregnant women generally start experiencing a sense of well being. This is also that important time when the mother will feel her baby move inside the uterus. This is known as quickening. Some women may experience this at 16 weeks, while other women may not feel it until week 18 or 20 of the pregnancy. These early movements of the baby will feel like gentle fluttering. The movements become stronger as the weeks progress and they will also be felt more frequently. Weight gain of about 12 to 14 pounds should take place during this time. However it is best to follow the doctor’s advice on weight gain as some women begin their pregnancy underweight, while others may begin overweight. Women carrying twins will also have different weight gain requirements.

At 16 weeks, the risk of miscarriage is low. Most miscarriages occur during the first trimester. It is possible for second trimester miscarriages to also occur, but they are rare. They can occur due to various factors such as infections in the mother, weakened cervix and chromosomal defects. In case symptoms such as heavy continuous bleeding, severe cramping and abdominal pain occur, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Submitted by N on April 1, 2011 at 12:52

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