What Are Molar pregnancy complications?

(July 13, 2010)

Molar Pregnancy Complications

A molar pregnancy is a rare pregnancy complication. This happens when something goes wrong during the fertilization process of the egg, which leads to abnormal growths in your uterus and placenta. Molar pregnancy, also known as hydatidiform mole, is a form of gestational trophoblastic tumor. These growths are not cancerous in nature. Although they spread throughout the uterus, they are curable.

In normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg gets 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 from the father. However, when the egg receives no chromosomes from either of the parents or if the chromosomes get duplicated, then it leads to a molar pregnancy. In molar pregnancy, there is no embryo, no amniotic sac, and no placental tissue. It looks like a group of cysts that resemble a bunch of grapes. This can be determined by way of an ultrasound scan. This is a complete molar pregnancy.

However, in partial molar pregnancy the fertilized egg receives an extra set of chromosomes that lead to partial embryo development with no amniotic sac or placental tissue. The embryo, at times, develops into a fetus; however, it needs to be understood that it cannot survive and hence proceeding with the pregnancy is of no use.

Molar pregnancy symptoms

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by expectant mothers. Well, when you are suffering from a possible molar pregnancy, here are some things that you need to look out for:

•    Bleeding: This is one of the important and initial signs of any pregnancy complication. The bleeding can be heavy, intermittent, light, or continuous.

•    Swelling: In molar pregnancy your abdomen may swell at an unusual rate as compared to a normal pregnancy. This can be accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting.

•    Hcg Levels: The Hcg level in your body may be much higher than the normal levels during a molar pregnancy.

Treating Molar Pregnancy

If you are diagnosed with molar pregnancy then the doctor may suggest that you to undergo a minor surgery called dilation and curettage (or D and C) wherein the unwanted tissues are removed from the uterus. Following this, you may be required to undergo some tests like a blood test and urine test in order to determine the levels of the hormone hcg in your body.

If you have experienced a molar pregnancy before, the next time you conceive make sure you inform the doctor about it in order to avoid any complications.

Submitted by P T on July 13, 2010 at 04:50

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