How to Get Pregnant With a Boy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on September 4, 2012

How to get pregnant with a boy is a question that remains unanswered even though there are many who claim otherwise. Many people subscribe to their own pet theories that guarantee you success in conceiving a boy, but these are all old wives' tales. There is simply no scientifically proven method that will either guarantee or increase your chances of conceiving a boy.


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How to get pregnant with a boy is a question that remains unanswered even though there are many who claim otherwise. Many people subscribe to their own pet theories that guarantee you success in conceiving a boy, but these are all old wives' tales. There is simply no scientifically proven method that will either guarantee or increase your chances of conceiving a boy.

To understand why it is scientifically impossible to plan on conceiving a boy one needs to look at the factors that determine the sex of a child. The sex of a child is determined by the chromosomes present in the sperm of a man. All eggs or ova carry an X chromosome, while sperms may carry either an X or a Y chromosome. If the sperm that fertilizes the egg carries an X chromosome it will result in the conception of a girl. On the other hand, a sperm carrying a Y chromosome will result in the conception of a boy.

When one considers the fact that there are several millions of sperm cells in one ejaculation, one can see why it is impossible to ensure that only a sperm carrying a Y chromosome will be the one to fertilize the egg resulting in a boy being conceived.

Let us examine some of the methods that have been bandied about to ensure the conception of a boy.

  • Time of intercourse: Some myths about conception say that having sexual intercourse at the time of a quarter moon will ensure that you give birth to a boy, while sexual intercourse on a full moon will produce a girl. For this to be true, one will have to assume that the chromosomes in sperm are influenced by lunar gravity. Another one suggests that making love on odd dates will result in a boy.
    The Shettles method claims to increase the chances of conceiving a boy to almost 75%. This method involves timing your intercourse from 24 hours prior to and 12 hours past ovulation. Timing when your ovulation commences can be accomplished in three different ways. The first involves charting your cervical mucus on a daily basis and should be started at least one month before to ensure that you get the time of ovulation right. Your cervical mucus should be of the consistency of a raw egg white just before ovulation commences. The second method uses a basal body temperature chart along with a cervical mucus chart to determine the time of ovulation. A basal thermometer is needed to take these readings which should be done first thing in the morning. A spike in basal temperature will be an indicator that you have started ovulating.

    The third method requires the use of ovulation predicator kits which detect hormonal changes that indicate ovulation is about to commence.

  • Sexual Positions: The Shettles method recommends having sex in the “doggie style” position to facilitate deeper penetration. This will deposit the sperm closer to the cervix and give the Y chromosome carrying sperms a better chance of reaching the egg first.
  • Vitamins and Supplements: Some myths regarding the planned conception of a boy involve the use of vitamins and other mineral supplements. These include folic acid, vitamins B6, B12 and C and zinc. Since these vitamins and minerals are required anyway for the maintenance of good health, one fails to see why exactly they can increase the chances of conceiving a boy.
  • Food for Conceiving a Boy: One old wives' tale recommends the use of coffee or any other caffeinated beverage just prior to having sexual intercourse. Caffeine reputedly makes sperm with the Y chromosome more active. Having breakfast is also said to increase your chances of having a boy.
    Certain foods that are rich in potassium such as bananas are supposed to help lower pH levels in the body, making for an alkaline environment. An alkaline environment is said to be more conducive to sperm cells with the Y chromosome, thereby increasing your chances of conceiving a boy.
  • Calorie Consumption: Another myth suggests following a high calorie diet as a way to increase your chances of conceiving a boy. This does not give you, the mother, a license to indulge. Studies have shown that overweight women have a difficult time conceiving. It is suggested that you consume up to 2500 calories per day while trying to conceive.
  • Female Orgasm: The Shettles method suggests that a simultaneous female orgasm along with the male orgasm will increase chances of conceiving a boy. This is due to the fact that secretions in the vagina during an orgasm increase alkalinity in the vagina, favoring sperms with the Y chromosome.
    Another way suggested by the Shettles method to increase alkalinity in the vagina is to use a douche made from baking soda. This can be made by dissolving 2 tablespoons of baking soda in warm mineral water and using it as a douche prior to sexual intercourse. Since douching can lead to vaginal infections, it is suggested that you consult your doctor before trying this method.
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