Pregnancy after Hysterectomy

Submitted by Nic on February 6, 2012

After having successful pregnancies, some women choose to undergo certain medical augmentations to their body that will prevent them from having children. This step may be taken for a number of reasons such as – having had a couple of children and not wanting anymore or simply not wanting to have any children. A number of women believe that pregnancy after hysterectomy is not possible as their uterus has been removed.


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However, before getting into the pregnancy after hysterectomy symptoms, it is important to realize that all hysterectomies are not the same. While a total hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and cervix, not many women will actually have a total hysterectomy performed.  Pregnancy after a partial hysterectomy is certainly possible and women need to be aware of this.

  Else it might come in as a shock. In most cases, the eggs produced by the ovaries are reabsorbed by the body. In very rare cases, these eggs might attach themselves either to the abdominal wall or the fallopian tube. When the fertilized egg attaches itself outside the fallopian tube, it is called an 'abdominal pregnancy'. When the fertilized egg attaches itself outside the uterus and inside the fallopian tube, it is called an ectopic pregnancy. This type of pregnancy is detrimental to the mother’s life. The egg can damage the fallopian tube and other organs as well. This needs urgent medical attention and surgery.

Since the woman does not menstruate after a hysterectomy, it is difficult for her to determine if she is pregnant or not. The possibility of a pregnancy after hysterectomy is very rare, but in case a woman experiences vaginal bleeding after hysterectomy she needs to be taken to the gynecologist. The excessive bleeding and terrible abdominal cramping is a sign of pregnancy after hysterectomy. There can be various other signs of an ectopic pregnancy after hysterectomy, like dizziness, fainting, nausea, and tenderness of the breasts.

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