I had most of my cervic remooved,didn't planned it ,but happy that I am now 6-7 weeks pregnant I in denger of loosing my baby?

(November 29, 2010)

The narrow portion at the base of the uterus is called the cervix. The cervix plays a vital role during child birth as it connects the uterus to the vagina. It is through the cervix that the baby passes out of the womb, in the case of a normal pregnancy. The cervix is known to dilate up to 10 centimeters in diameter at child birth so as to allow the baby to pass through.

The length of the cervix does influence the success of a pregnancy, to a large extent. However, the good news is that many women with a shortened cervix during pregnancy have gone on to have healthy babies. When a major part of the cervix is removed, only the part of the cervix that joins the womb is left behind. This part is then attached to the vagina. A cervix measuring 4 centimeters is believed to be comparatively safe. A cervix shorter than 4 centimeters increases the chances of pregnancy loss and premature birth. The shortened cervix may not be able to support the weight of the growing baby. This increases the risks of pregnancy loss. Hence, in most cases, depending on your condition, your doctor would advise a stitch or two to keep the cervix closed. This reduces the risks of preterm labor but does not eliminate it completely. In some cases, the stitch is opened up at 36 weeks of gestation and a normal delivery may be possible. However, depending on the condition, the cervix may be stitched up permanently making a C-section inevitable. One consoling fact is that a long cervix during pregnancy may also cause pregnancy complications as well as labor fails to progress or the cervix does not dilate in time, in many cases. This too warrants a delivery by a caesarean surgery.  

When the cervix during pregnancy is short, it goes without saying that the expectant mother would have to be extra cautious for the wellbeing of her baby. A normal routine may not be possible when there are chances of pregnancy loss. Overexertion and stress should be avoided completely. Physical exercise should be minimal. Lifting of weights or heavy objects must be avoided completely. Exerting pressure while passing stools must also be avoided so as to ensure that no undue strain is put on the cervix. Bed rest may be advisable in most cases, depending on the progress of the pregnancy, fetal weight and condition of the cervix. Consulting a doctor on a regular basis is highly recommended.

Submitted by J on November 29, 2010 at 01:15

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