How to encourage potty training?

(July 13, 2010)

Encouraging Potty Training

Potty training or toilet training is one of the most important factors in child behavior training. It is important for children to understand the importance of using hygienic methods of defecation and urination. Potty training can begin at the age of 18 months although some children may be up to 3 years old before they can be properly potty trained. Potty training is the training to teach the child the use of a lavatory and the importance of controlling the motion or urination.

It is important for parents to encourage potty training. There is no definite sign that the child is ready for potty training. Instead, the parents should rely on their instincts and on the subtle hints that they might notice in the child’s behavior. When the child is regular in reporting a wet or soiled diaper, he or she may be ready for toilet training.

There are a few useful tips for how to encourage potty training. Children of this age tend to have a limited vocabulary but they can associate certain sounds with certain actions. At the initial stage of potty training, you should use some select words that you would associate with urination or defecation. These words and noises form an association in the child’s brain. In subsequent visits to the toilet, the parent or caregiver should use the same words to encourage the child to defecate or urinate.

Children also like to mimic the actions of adults around them. This tendency can be used as way to encourage your child to begin potty training. When visiting the toilet, parents may take their toddlers along. The child will usually be curious about what you are doing so the explanation of potty training habits and the requirement of potty training can begin at this stage. Arousing the interest of the child is an important part of how to encourage potty training.

At the initial stage of potty training, there might be resistance from the child. This may be for many different reasons. However, children do respond well to rewards and this method can be used to teach the child. Rewards could be anything from simple affection to offering a particular sweet or a child’s toy. It is important to be judicious with the use of these rewards and only award them when the child has done exactly what has been asked of it. This will reinforce the connection between good behavior and rewards in the child’s mind.

Submitted by P T on July 13, 2010 at 03:49

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