Toddler's risk of Diabetes?

(April 15, 2010)

Diabetes is a commonplace condition faced by millions of people over the world. Being common as it is, it is no surprise that toddlers also suffer from diabetes. Diabetes is an illness wherein the body tends to destroy beta cells in the pancreatic region. These cells help the body to produce insulin, which regulates the levels of sugar in the blood. The most common symptoms of diabetes in toddlers include instances of excessive hunger, thirst and the need to pass urine. Weight loss, fatigue and blurred vision are also symptoms of diabetes that is being experienced by a toddler.

When you see the warning signs that tell you that your child may be suffering from diabetes, it is advisable that you seek medical assistance without any further delay. Most often, depending upon the intensity of the condition, your pediatrician will recommend oral medication or insulin injections that need to be taken regularly. During the course of time, and with continued insulin injections, the illness will go through a stage known as the ‘Honeymoon Period’. During this time, the body is rebuilding the beta cells which assist in the natural production of insulin. Although the body is producing insulin naturally, it is necessary that the regular dosage of insulin injections remains undisturbed. Most people feel that there is no need to administer the injection, causing the healing process to slow down.

While treating your toddler for diabetes, it is necessary that you monitor his or her diet, keeping in mind the fact that foods that contain sugar could cause complications. A significant rise in the levels of sugar in the blood may lead to hyperglycemia, while lowered levels of blood sugar may lead to hypoglycemia. Diabetic conditions also cause the overall healing process of the body to slow down, so children must be careful not to hurt themselves while playing. Since diabetes is a condition that will last a lifetime. It is necessary that the child is made aware that the intake of insulin must continue regularly. Although required to stay safe from injuries, it is necessary that your toddler gets enough exercise so that the sugar levels in the body remain under control. Irregularities in the administering of medication could have devastating effects, such as the loss of hearing, sight or even the loss of limbs. The most important thing that any parent could do when they find out that their child suffers from juvenile diabetes is to give their children every ounce of moral support that is required to help them cope with the condition.

Submitted by P T on April 15, 2010 at 12:16

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