How to Treat Fetal Growth Retardation?

(December 22, 2009)

Intraurine fetal growth restriction or retardation (commonly known as IUGR) is a condition that is usually detected around the 32nd week of a pregnancy and leads to rather serious complications in the child’s life once it has been born. When an unborn baby weighs less than 90% of the normal size of babies of the same gestational age, IUGR is said to be present. While the exact causes of the condition are still relatively unknown, a number of factors are known to contribute to the restriction in growth of the unborn child’s body. Some of the more common pregnancy related factors include problems with the placenta, birth defects as well as multiple pregnancies. Some of the common medical and habitual problems that could lead to IUGR include malnutrition, anemia, essential hypertension, sickle cell disease, cigarette smoking, consumption of alcohol and viral infections. Malnutrition should not be overlooked as a direct cause of the condition as it is known to play its part in about 21 of the 22 low birth weight babies that are born each year in the developing nations all over the globe. Babies that are born with IGUR are rather week looking and pale. They will usually also have wrinkled, dry looking skin and the umbilical cord will not appear as shiny as it does with healthy babies.

In most cases, the condition is often diagnosed as a result of a routine ultrasound checkup where the technician would take the measurements of the head and the abdomen. If these measurements are smaller than would be expected from an unborn child of the same age, it is an indicator of a problem. There are no cure or treatment options when dealing wit IUGR and most care is primarily focused on minimizing the impact the condition will have on the child as well as reducing the risk factors to both, the mother and baby. Early detection is essential in having any chance of effectively fighting the condition. Undergo a non stress test in order to evaluate the status of the baby, as a healthy baby will show fetal heart rates accelerations as it moves about within the uterus. You should also keep an eye in the movement of the child as well as its kicks. An unusually active child whose movement seems to increase in frequency is an indicator of a stressed out baby and should be taken care of as soon as possible.

Submitted by P T on December 22, 2009 at 11:52

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