Implantation Bloating Pregnancy Symptoms

Submitted by Nick on January 19, 2012

Implantation can be described as a process in which a fertilized egg enters the uterus and then "implants" or attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. Since a fertilized egg needs to get attached to the uterine walls in order to grow and progress, it can be said that the implantation process takes place in all pregnancies. There are certain signs and symptoms associated with implantation, that can let a woman know she is pregnant, even before she misses her period or takes a home pregnancy test. One of the most common implantation symptoms and pregnancy is implantation bloating, which affects the abdominal region.


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Implantation bloating could be seen on its own, or may also be accompanied by other symptoms, like cramping, pain, spotting and bleeding.

Implantation cramping and bloating

When the fertilized egg, or the embryo gets, transferred to a woman's uterus, it could lead to severe cramps and abdominal pain in addition to bloating in the stomach area. At times, women could experience these cramps for up to three days, while the implantation process takes place.

There are several women who may also mistake implantation cramping and bloating as the symptoms of their menstrual cycle.

Implantation bleeding and bloating

When the embryo burrows into the uterine lining, some of the tissues are shed and eliminated from the body, in the form of slight vaginal bleeding or spotting. The color of the blood in this case could be either pink or brown and the flow is so light that most women miss this symptom completely.

It is important for women to realize that implantation bloating is a common symptom that is seen in several pregnancies, but there is no hard and fast rule that it will be seen in all cases. As soon as implantation bloating or the other signs and symptoms of implantation become evident it is only natural for a woman to take a home pregnancy test, to confirm the diagnosis of her pregnancy. However, taking a pregnancy test too soon after the implantation process could interfere with the accuracy of the test and could lead to a negative reading, even though the woman is pregnant. Therefore, in case the implantation bloating pregnancy symptoms continue for another week or so, it is best to either take another pregnancy test or to undergo a proper doctor's check up. As soon as the implantation bloating signs or other tests confirm the pregnancy, it is advisable for the woman to begin prenatal care.

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