Category Archives: Pregnancy Conditions
  • Spotting At 26 Weeks Pregnant

    Causes of Spotting at 26th Week of Pregnancy

    By Kieth | December 1, 2011
    It is only natural for a woman to get highly concerned on noticing spots of blood on tissue or her underwear during the course of pregnancy. This is because spotting could be a sign that something is wrong with the baby or the pregnancy. ...
  • Typhoid Fever During Pregnancy

    Typhoid Fever During Pregnancy

    By Kieth | December 1, 2011
    Any kind of infection or health problem during the course of pregnancy can have a negative impact on the baby and this also includes typhoid during pregnancy. In most instances, patients suffering from typhoid lose their appetite and need to be put ...
  • Achiness During Pregnancy

    Achiness During Pregnancy: Abdominal & Pelvic

    By Kieth | November 30, 2011
    Almost all women experience some amount of achiness during pregnancy. Most of the aches and pains take on the form of sore muscles, cramps in the abdomen, backaches, headaches, pain in the lower back and leg ache to name a few. Of course, as every ...
  • Pregnancy Trimesters Fetal Movement

    Fetal Movement During Pregnancy Trimesters

    By Kieth | November 30, 2011
    Fetal movement during pregnancy can be one of the most wonderful, joyful and overwhelming experiences of any woman’s life. In fact, one of the first questions that most women ask their health care providers is about when they are likely to feel ...
  • Swinging Mood During Pregnancy

    Mood Swings During Pregnancy

    By Kieth | November 30, 2011
    It is only natural for you to experience several different emotions from joy, anxiety and excitement to nervousness, wonder and depression, once you learn about your pregnancy. These mixed emotions are a result of all the hormonal changes that are ...
  • Anxiety During Pregnancy

    Anxiety During Pregnancy

    By Kieth | November 30, 2011
    Eat a packet of wafers or an apple instead? Sleep on my side or my back? Should I go for my long walk or should I just do some light exercises? Along with the excitement, pregnancy also involves anxieties and apprehensions. Panic attacks or anxiety ...
  • Blood Clot Formation In Pregnancy

    Blood Clots During Pregnancy

    By Kieth | November 30, 2011
    Blood clots during pregnancy are a cause of much angst amongst would-be mothers. This is because most people associate vaginal bleeding with miscarriage or other serious problems. One of the most serious causes of blood clots during pregnancy could ...
  • Slimy Vaginal Discharge In Pregnancy

    Slimy Discharge In Pregnant Women

    By Kieth | October 18, 2011
    Pregnancy brings about plenty of changes in an expectant mother and these changes are not only restricted to an expanding waistline. Hormonal alterations play a vital role during pregnancy and they contribute to a major number of adjustments that ...
  • Hcg Levels In Pregnancy

    HCG Levels During Pregnancy

    By Kieth | October 18, 2011
    The ‘Human Chorionic Gonadotropin’ or the hormone ‘HCG’ is also known as the pregnancy hormone, as it is released during this crucial period. In the initial weeks of pregnancy, it is produced by the embryo. Once the placenta is in place, the ...
  • Severe Toothache During Pregnancy

    Home Remedies For Extreme Tooth Pain In Pregnant Women

    By Kieth | October 13, 2011
    If you experience toothache during pregnancy, it is best to schedule a dental appointment rather than wait until after your baby is born. Most women who suffer from toothache during pregnancy are afraid to go to the dentist, but this will only make ...
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