Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms, Treatment & Risks

An ectopic pregnancy is a medical condition of pregnancy where in pregnancy results from gestation elsewhere than in the uterus. The fertilized female reproductive cell is germinated in any tissue other than the uterine wall.

Most ectopic pregnancies take place in the uterine tube, but a fertilized egg is likely to become implanted either in the uterine cervix, ovaries, and stomach. The fetus brings forth proteins that permit it to imbed in different types of tissues, and thus a fertilized egg imbedded in areas other than the womb can cause great tissue impairment in its attempts to reach an adequate supply of blood.


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Early Ectopic Pregnancy Signs

An ectopic pregnancy is considered to be a medical crisis, and, if not handled in the right manner, can lead to death.

Risks during Ectopic Pregnancy

Women are at a greater risk for extra uterine pregnancy with advancing age. In addition, it has been observed that the act of smoking tobacco or other substances is also closely linked to ectopic risk. Some believe that vaginal douching increases the risk of ectopic pregnancies; while it is commonly believed in the medical fraternity that women endangered to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero also stand at an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy in the fallopian tube, up to three times the risk of unexposed women.

Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy can be hard to determine or distinguish as the symptoms often reflect those of a normal early pregnancy. However certain ectopic pregnancy signs include absent periods, breast soreness, morning sickness, vomiting, or steady urination.

An ectopic pregnancy ensues from a fertilized egg's lack of ability to progress speedily enough down the uterine tube into the uterus. An infection or inflammation of the fallopian tube may be one of the reasons behind the partial or complete blockage of the tube.

Inflammation of the female pelvic organs or the fallopian tubes is one of the common reasons of obstruction of the fallopian tube.

Treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy treatment depends on how medically balanced the woman is and the magnitude and positioning of the pregnancy. An early ectopic pregnancy is usually treated with medications containing methotrexate that retards the growth of the fertilized egg. If the pregnancy has already developed in the next stage, the pregnant woman may need surgery to get rid of the unnatural pregnancy. Whatsoever is the method of the treatment, the doctor may want to see the patient on a regular basis subsequently to make sure the human chorionic gonadotrophin levels come to zero. An elevated hCG level is an indication that some ectopic tissue is still remaining. The tissue may have to be dispatched using methotrexate sodium or the through the use of added surgical process.

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