Ideas, Sayings & Planning For Baby Shower Invitations

With all the joy of awaiting the arrival of the new baby in the house, it is also a time for inviting friends and family to a baby shower in order to celebrate the coming a new life. With almost every one hosting baby showers through the year, you want your party to be special and unique.

There is no need to worry as there are plenty of resources available on the internet for baby shower invitation wording ideas, baby shower invitation sayings, and baby shower invitation ideas. You could also enlist the help of your friends as well as your family to decide on something that suits your personality and taste.


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Sometimes, an idea can be taken from any available resource and then further worked on to make it more personal. There is no limit to the creativity that you can use to make the party memorable for you and all your guests.

Baby Shower invitation planning

Baby shower invitations are important as they give you a chance to celebrate with those closest to you. It would therefore be wise to include a close circle of friends and family. There are plenty of cards available at stores; however, you can personalize them by using self-designed cards in colors that you like and print it along with pictures and wordings according to the theme chosen. If you are having a girl, the cards can be designed with cartoon characters, baby animals, flowers, princesses, dolls, or fairies. If it’s a boy, you can design the card with things that boys generally love such cars, bikes, airplanes.

Baby shower wordings can be tricky as well interesting if you know the right things to say and make it unique. It is best to plan it out with you partner and include family and friends who are good with words. If you are to have your second or third child, you can ask the elder children to pen them down. You can also buy a short book of poems meant for baby shower invitations and decorate your invites with a line or two from a poem you like. There are also many baby shower invitation sayings that can also be used on the invitation cards.

A few more things to keep in mind: send out the invitations about 4 to 6 weeks before the shower and include necessary information like who is the guest of honor, date, time, place, and whether it will be a surprise. An RSVP with a phone number is a must.

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