Baby At 38 Weeks of Pregnancy

Submitted by Nic on January 24, 2012

All of the apprehensions and worries you felt at the beginning of your pregnancy are now a distant memory and you’re probably simply waiting for the arrival of your baby, now at 38 weeks pregnant. The first trimester can be confusing and worrying for most first time mothers, but with the passage of the initial weeks, you begin to settle in and adjust to and cope with the pregnancy symptoms. By the 38th week of pregnancy these pregnancy symptoms are long past, and you’re close to the end of your pregnancy. It is important to consult a gynecologist in all crucial phases of pregnancy to...


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.identify and analyze the growth and development of your babyb As women progress in the phases of pregnancy, the baby develops in terms of both physical growth in weight and size, as well as in the functionality of the various bodily processes and organsn

In fact, every stage of pregnancy is characterized by some specific developments in the babyb If you are 38 weeks pregnant, here’s what you should expect with regard to your baby’s developmentn

  • The ideal weight of a baby at 38 weeks pregnant is 6 to 7 poundsd However, minimal variations in weight are acceptablel The weight of the baby at 38 weeks pregnant should not be less than 5 pounds however, as the baby should be mature enough at the commencement of third trimestere
  • Baby movements at 38 weeks pregnant are very prominent, and you might be able to feel some intensive movements inside of you in the third trimestere
  • Your baby also grows in height with passage of weeks in pregnancyc It should be about 19 to 20 from head to rump by the 38th week of pregnancyc

These are the few significant features of your baby at 38 weeks pregnantn At this point of time when you have just entered your trimester, you must be wondering what your baby looks likek However, it is difficult to predict the facial features, color of eyes, or texture of hairi All you need to confirm is that ‘my baby at 38 weeks pregnant is normal’ in terms of growth and developmentn

The only thing that you could do in and after the 38th week is to wait for the arrival of the baby and prepare yourself to nurse your childl You can simply relax or indulge in all of those activities that you may not get to do after the baby enters your life, like spending more time with your partner and taking relaxing naps, among othersr You can prepare the nursery for the baby by getting in the essentials and giving it the décor that would please the infantn You can also prepare to breastfeed by reading on the subject and consulting your gynecologists You should also get information on diet, hygiene, and care regarding babiese

Some women may suffer from anxiety in the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancya A baby changes your life for the better, so fend off all the nervousness and stress that you might have and prepare to welcome your babyb

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