Dry Mouth In Pregnancy

Submitted by Jenifer on January 23, 2013

A time of change, an experience so unique that it can never be similar to anything you have felt before. A move away from the comfortable and the familiar - Pregnancy is that mysterious journey in a woman's life that she will cherish for a lifetime. A certain amount of pain is inevitable while your body readies itself for accommodating your little baby. Physical and hormonal changes can take time to understand and get used to. Dry mouth during early pregnancy is one such change. It is quite common to experience dry mouth generally as well.


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Dry mouth during pregnancy is due to various reasons:

  • Your metabolism increases during pregnancy and since water in the body is used up for the process, it needs to be replenished more often.
  • Your body needs to increase the total blood volume during pregnancy, so that it is almost 50 percent more than before you got pregnant. For this purpose, it stores water in the body and this also contributes to the feeling of dehydration and dry mouth during pregnancy.

  • In early pregnancy, there are a lot of fluids being processed in the kidneys and in the later stages the growing uterus pressurizes the bladder. Both these new developments cause frequent urination during pregnancy. This adds to the feeling of dehydration and dryness of the mouth in pregnancy.
  • Dry mouth at night during pregnancy could also be the result of some kind of health condition. Dry mouth in pregnancy is not a disease but a symptom. It is possible that you have gestational diabetes. Cracked lips, burning sensation in the mouth and bad breath are all symptoms of symptoms of dry mouth. It is always better to get yourself tested for gestational diabetes and consult your doctor about treatment or prevention, as it can cause complications during pregnancy.

Dry mouth during pregnancy is nothing serious, but you need to make sure that you drink sufficient water throughout the day to stay healthy during pregnancy. Keep a bottle of water right in front of you, next to your computer monitor while at work. This way you always see the bottle and need not set reminders every now and then. Stay hydrated at all times to facilitate your body's changing processes during pregnancy. To help increase the production of saliva in your mouth, you can chew on some sugarless gum or candies. Chewing on gum while you work on your excel sheets, sit watching that thriller movie, or even just by yourself reading, can take your mind off other painful pregnancy developments and help you relax. Avoid consumption of tea, coffee and sodas as they increase dehydration and dry the mouth. To treat bad breath, apply a few drops of peppermint or tea tree oil on your tongue or eat vegetables like celery or carrots.

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